Lamar University is committed to making all facets of the University accessible to all users whether it is physical access, access to information, access to tools and technology, etc.
Please use the points of contact listed below to report any impediment to your access or concerns regarding access. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate the nature of the accessibility concern or problem, the location (physical or web based), your preferred method of access in regards to the issue at hand, and your contact information.
The Mary & John Gray LibraryElizabeth Sanders, Interim Department Head, Research, Engagement, and Learning (R.E.L.) (409) 880-8319 |
Lamar University Student Health CenterShawn R. Gray, Associate Vice President of Student (409) 880-8466 |
Records OfficeBarbara Price, Assistant (409) 880-8969 |
Student Advising and Retention Services (STARS)Hilda Billups, Director STARS (409) 880-7202 |
AthleticsAntonio Leopardi, Coordinator of Revenue (409) 880-1798 |
Speech and Hearing Sciences:Alexandra Simeonides (409) 880-8338 |
Accessibility Resource CenterTammy Lilly, (409) 880-8347 |
Electronic Information Resource (EIR) Accessibility Compliance 880-8489 |
Website AccessibilityCharla Pate, Director, Web Communication |